Hi, my name is Felix Steinchen
I'm a Full-Stack Developer, Climber and Remote Worker.

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Welcome to my portfolio website! My name is Felix Steinchen, and I'm a highly motivated and dedicated Full Stack Web Developer based in Germany. With a strong background in electrical engineering, microtechnology, and hardware development, I bring a unique perspective to my work in web development.

After earning a Master's degree in Science with a focus on Microsystems Technologies, I decided to pursue my passion for Full-Stack Development. I recently completed an online course in Full Stack Web Development by Zero to Mastery on Udemy, and I'm constantly seeking opportunities to improve my skills and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies.

My expertise in computer science and programming, combined with my foundation in electrical engineering, allows me to design and implement efficient and scalable web applications that meet the needs of my clients. I am proficient in a wide range of programming languages and technologies, including ReactJS, which I am currently pursuing expertise in.

As a Full Stack Web Developer, I am committed to delivering innovative software solutions that meet the unique needs of each project. I have strong project management skills, and I work closely with clients to ensure that their vision is realized in every aspect of the development process.

My greatest passion and life fullfilling purpose is climbing. It really showed me what effort and dedication can achive. I also enjoy music and once in a while I play guitar and drums and be creative with good company.

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Thank you for taking the time to visit my portfolio website. I'm excited to connect with new clients and collaborators, and I look forward to the opportunity to bring your project to life.

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Face Detection Brain

Face Detection Brain is a web application that leverages the power of Clarifai's advanced facial recognition API to accurately detect and identify human faces in images.

I integrated Clarifai's API with React and Node.js to create a user-friendly interface that allows users to upload images and receive precise results, complete with bounding boxes highlighting recognized faces. Through my contributions, I designed and implemented the app's frontend, managed API calls, and implemented user authentication using JWT tokens.

Live Source Code

Master Thesis:
Development of microfluidic structures in PDMS for modular, highly integrated Lab-on-a-Chip applications

During my Master's thesis, I developed modular microfluidic devices that allow for quick and easy prototyping in the field of microfluidics.

Through this project, I was able to demonstrate my expertise in hardware development, programming, and project management. I was responsible for designing, building, and testing the devices, as well as developing software to control them. I look forward to applying the skills I've developed through this project and others to help bring your vision to life.

See Thesis Further Articles

Bluetooth Mesh

After completing my Master's degree, I worked on a confidential research project at the Westphalian University of Applied Science. My tasks included project management, hardware programming, and implementing Bluetooth mesh functionality. This project provided me with valuable experience and skills that will benefit me in future endeavors.

See Article Source Code

Lap on a Chip Spectral Analysis

I created a portable spectral analyzing -Lab on a Chip- device for fluid samples. Utilizing 3D printing and ESCARGOT to construct a compact, durable, and user-friendly device that provides a proof of concept for a portable spectral analysis of fluids.

More pictures soon! Article: Coming soon!


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